What is Velocity?
Velocity is the newest version of Gaggle. We've employed the latest Web 2.0 technology to bring you a slicker, faster interface, much like Outlook within
a web page. All the functionality you know and love in Gaggle 3.0 is also in Velocity, along with many improvements and new features, including nested
folders, drag-and-drop, right-click options, and multiple tabs within the page.
I see the Jump To button, but not my Admin button. How do I access the Admin Menu?
Your Admin Menu is now a sub-menu at the bottom of the Jump To menu.
The buttons at the top of the screen are gone. Where can I find those functions?
| The Write Mail button is now called Compose and is at the top of the left side bar. |
| The Address Book is now called Contacts, and is an expandable blue folder in the left sidebar, below your standard email folders. |
| The Directory is now a subfolder within your Contacts and can be found by clicking the + next to the Contacts folder. |
| User Options are now called My Account, and is a link in the upper right corner of the screen. |
| Help links can be found on your Admin Menu on the Jump To. |
| The Log Out button is now in the upper right corner. |
Do I need anything special on my computer to run Velocity?
You'll want to use Internet Explorer 7 or Mozilla Firefox for best results, although Gaggle can be used in other browsers.
Updated Flash and Java are also recommended.
How can I learn more about Velocity?
You can attend one of our free Webinars presented by our trainers for an overview of Velocity, or view our Training Videos, found on your Admin Menu.
Register by clicking the link for the date/time that works for you. You can join us from any internet-accessible computer for these 45 min. sessions.
Check back here for future webinars.
Is there a new Gaggle Administrator's Guide?
The new Gaggle Administrator's Guide for Velocity is now available!
Are there other training resources that can help me?
Yes! You can access Gaggle's new Training Videos from our web site.